RESPONSE TO CALL FOR EVIDENCE ON THE RESTRICTION REPORT FOR LEAD AND ITS COMPOUNDS: Impact assessment of the restriction on the European firearms industry
Impact assessment of the restriction on European firearms manufacturers (ReachLAW)...
Impact assessment of the restriction on European firearms manufacturers (ReachLAW)...
Impact assessment of the restriction on the European hunting community (ReachLAW)...
Impact assessment of the restriction on European ammunition industry (ReachLAW)...
The investigation showed that steel pellets ricochet more often than lead pellets, and furthermore that lead pellets disintegrate upon impact into tiny splash Download Full Study...
An Investigation of the Ricochet Characteristics of Lead and Iron Shot Pellets. Download Full Study...
[video width="640" height="360" mp4="" poster=""][/video] [video width="640" height="360" mp4="" poster=""][/video] [video width="640" height="360" mp4="" poster=""][/video] [video width="640" height="360" mp4="" poster=""][/video] [video width="640" height="360" mp4="" poster=""][/video]...
In this study concerning rebound behaviour in hunting ammunition, lead-containing bullets were compared to lead-free solid-bullets; on average, the latter demonstrated larger deviations after collision with obstacles. Download Document...