Archive: “Lead-ban”

The “opinion-making” process within the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) on the proposal for a near-total ban on the use of lead in ammunition for hunting and sports shooting has stumbled yet again. After the maladministration case highlighted by the European Ombudsman’s assessment linked to data transparency...

Including lead in the REACH Authorisation list, as proposed by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), would negatively impact many strategic sectors and successful value chains in Europe, including the European ammunition industry and its related businesses. The consequences for industry and society would be significant...

If the near-total ban on the use of lead ammunition comes into force without a meaningful transition period, the socio-economic impact on the ammunition and firearms industry—and related sectors, would be severe: up to €4 billion and over 16,000 jobs could be lost, with associated...

Conventional and Innovative Hunting Rifle Bullets This study, concerning game meat hygiene and human toxicology, compares lead content of agriculturally produced meat and game meat demonstrating that lead content in meat of agricultural production and game meat does not show any differences in the median value....